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Global Farm Kai Co., Ltd.


A field with a view of Mt. Fuji


Furman Inoue Farm at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake



Our contract farm in Yamanashi Prefecture has fertile soil, long sunshine hours, and a climate with varying degrees of temperature, making it a wonderful location for growing high-quality fruits and vegetables. If you look around you, you can see Mt. Fuji, the Southern Alps, and the peaks of Mt. Yatsugatake. Global Farm Kai was born from our desire to deliver the best agricultural products to people overseas by working with farmers who pursue quality through organic cultivation and reduced pesticide cultivation on this blessed land. 

我們位於山梨縣的合約農場土壤肥沃,日照時間長,氣候溫差大,是種植優質水果和蔬菜的絕佳地點。環顧四周,可以看到富士山、南阿爾卑斯山、八嶽山峰。 Global Farm Kai 的誕生源於我們與在這片幸福土地上透過有機種植和減少農藥種植來追求品質的農民合作,為海外人們提供最好的農產品的願望。

Product Information



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At Global Farm Kai Co., Ltd., we are excited to announce the launch of our export sales of Shine Muscat grapes, grown at our partner farm, Hirose Farm, in Yamanashi Prefecture, under the brand name "Kai Pearl." In Taiwan, we will begin accepting pre-orders through our partner, Shunka-ya, to coincide with the Mid-Autumn Festival.
在Global Farm Kai股份有限公司,我們很高興地宣布,我們將從山梨縣的合作農園廣瀨農園開始出口銷售以「甲斐珍珠」為品牌名稱的夏音麝香葡萄。在台灣,我們將通過合作夥伴旬果屋,配合中秋節開始接受預購。


Company name

Global Farm Kai Co., Ltd.

Global Farm Kai有限公司

Head office management base

VORT Akasaka Mitsuke 4th floor, 3-11-15 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Within Agri Global Design Co., Ltd.

VORT 赤坂光助 東京都港區赤坂3-11-15 4樓 Within Agri Global Design Co., Ltd.

Production base

2296-1 Nagasawa, Takane-cho, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi 408-0001 Inside Furman Co., Ltd.

408-0001 山梨縣北斗市高根町長澤 2296-1 Inside Furman 株式會社

Contract producer name

Furman Co., Ltd. (Takane-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture)

Nose Farm (Akeno-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture)

Hirose Farm (Shioyama, Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture)




Main agricultural products handled

Shine Muscat, sweet potato, pumpkin, onion, etc.


Company representative name

Representative Director Taro Nishikawa

代表董事 西川太郎

Company establishment date

June 27, 2024

2024 年 6 月 27 日


9,990,000 yen


Contact Global Farm Kai

Global Farm Kai Co., Ltd.
Address: 4F VORT Akasaka Mitsuke, 3-11-15 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan Agri Global Design Co., Ltd. Email address:

Global Farm Kai有限公司 地址

4F VORT Akasaka Mitsuke, 3-11-15 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan Agri Global Design Co., Ltd. 電子郵件地址

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